Migration Guide

This is a reference for upgrading your application to v2 of Semantic UI React. While there's a lot covered here, you probably won't need to do everything for your app.

Upgrade of react-popper for Popup

Popper.js v1 is out of date, v2 was released in Dec 2019, time to upgrade 🚀

offset can't be specified as string anymore

Previously it was possible to pass different units to the offset prop as units. This behavior was changed and offset accepts a tuple or a function. Examples in our docs were also updated.

popperModifiers should be defined as array now

The popperModifiers prop should be defined as an array with changed format (see Popper docs).

Responsive component was removed

Responsive component was deprecated in 1.1.0. There are two main reasons for the removal: there is no connection between breakpoints and pure SSR (server side rendering) support.

@artsy/fresnel was proposed as a replacement as it properly handles SSR scenarios.

The full migration guide is available in Semantic-Org/Semantic-UI-React#4008, it contains more detailed explanation and examples for Next.js & Gatsby.

MountNode component was removed

MountNode component was deprecated in 1.1.0. The main reason for the removal is that the component should not be a part of the public API as it solves our specific issue with the Modal component. Additional details are available in Semantic-Org/Semantic-UI-React#4027.

Blazing deployments by Vercel.